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Turtles are essentially robots, and were added in the 1.3 update. They run an OS (like the consoles) named TurtleOS. They have the ability to place, break and detect blocks, move around and drop items in their inventory. The programs they run are stored on it's internal memory or floppy disks.

The 1.4 update was focused on turtles and added new tools for them to use. Turtles can now in addition to pickaxes use: Hoes, crafting tables, axes, shovels and sword. The update also included a new fuel system for the turtles.

Turtles are submersible and lavaproof. As such, they are extremely useful for mining near bedrock, where heavy lava flows can prevent access to diamonds and other rare finds.

If you would like to know more about how to program them, have a look at the Turtle API.

Floppy Disks

Turtles do not have a built-in floppy drive. As such they need a floppy drive placed beside them to access disks. However if the turtle is a Wireless turtle, the floppy drive and other peripherals must be placed on a side other than the side the wireless modem is on.

Power source

Turtles runs on fuel. Fuel is any item that works in a regular furnace, like coal and lava. The turtle gains 0.6 movement per half second the fuel would have burnt in a furnace. The turtle can move 1 block for each fuel count it got, for example, coal yields 96 block movements.

Optional Non-fuel mode

In this mode turtles use their internal redstone engine, they do not need to be re-charged, or any other form of external power.
This is because redstone continuously emits low levels of energy, and the turtle's engine is very efficient.
This mode can be turned on by editing the config file and setting turtleNeedsFuel to 0.


Turtles equipped with a hoe can till dirt.


Turtles crafted with a diamond pickaxe, diamond axe, diamond shovel, can break blocks, mine wood, and even break dirt and gravel, depending on the tool you used on it. The tools equipped on the turtle have no durability, and so can be used indefinitely without the need for any additional materials. When a turtle breaks the block it gets the item directly into its inventory. Different tools yields different drop, for example, an axe can break anything, but it won't get ores.


Turtles equipped with a workbench can craft items. When crafting the items being crafted can be anywhere in the turtles inventory. The recipe most be placed like it would in a regular crafting table. When crafting, the inventory can only contain the recipe itself and nothing more.


Turtles equipped with a sword can attack players and mobs. When a turtle kills a mob it will leave the experience orbs on the ground, but add the loot to it's inventory. Turtles can also attack with any tool, where axe is the second best after the sword.


Crafting ingredients

Mining Turtle




Wireless Turtle

Wireless Mining Turtle