Turtlemove (Custom API)
From ComputerCraft Wiki
The turtlemove API is an unofficial API. This means that you must install it manually.
The turtlemove api will be an API to facilitate programming your turtle's movement. It is in development.
doString(str="", checkFuel=10, refuel=true, fuelRetLocation={x,y,z})
doString takes as an argument a commandstr and some options. The commandstr is defined below. If the recorder is not on, Store and Goto require a wireless modem (for GPS). If any unsupported operation is attempted, the function will cause an error().
- -2: The turtle will attempt to return to fuelRetLocation if it has exactly that much fuel left after refueling attempts.
- -1: The turtle will make no attempt to examine fuel levels.
- n>=0: The API call will halt with a return of the string position if less than this much fuel is left AND refueling attempts fail.
- true: The turtle will try all slots, starting with 1, in an attempt to refuel.
- false: The turtle will never attempt refueling,
commandstr := {command}* command := {direction} | {repeat} | {store} | {goto} | {mine} | {place} | {whitespace} whitespace := Anything not defined here direction := 'f' | 'b' | 'u' | 'd' | 'l' | 'r' repeat := 'X{number}['{commandstr}']' store := 'S<'{identifier}'>' goto := 'G<'{identifier}'>' identifier := [a-zA-Z0-9_ ]+ number := [0-9]+
turtlemove = {} local ALLCMDS=fbudlrxsg function turtlemove.doString(str, checkFuel, refuel, fuelRetLocation) local function fuelCheck() --TODO end local pos=0 local str = string.lower(str) while pos <= string.len(str) do pos = pos+1 fuelCheck() local c = string.sub(str,pos,pos) if string.find(ALLCMDS,c,1,true) then if string.find("fbudlr",c,1,true) then if c=="f" then while not turtle.forward() do os.sleep(0.01) end elseif c=="b" then while not turtle.back() do os.sleep(0.01) end elseif c=="u" then while not turtle.up() do os.sleep(0.01) end elseif c=="d" then while not turtle.down() do os.sleep(0.01) end elseif c=="l" then while not turtle.turnLeft() do os.sleep(0.01) end elseif c=="r" then while not turtle.turnRight() do os.sleep(0.01) end end elseif c=="x" then local numstr = "" while pos <= string.len(str) do pos = pos + 1 c2 = string.sub(str,pos,pos) -- break check if c2 == "[" then break end -- errorcheck if not string.find("0123456789",c2,1,true) then error("Unexpected character "..c2.." at position "..pos.." in repetition count") end numstr = numstr .. c2 end local pos_b = pos local reps = tonumber(numstr) if reps == nil then error("Repeated section at postition "..pos.." has no repetition count") end while true do pos=pos+1 c3=string.sub(str,pos,pos) if c3=="]" then break end if pos > string.len(str) then error("Repeated section not closed by position "..pos) end end local cmdstr = string.sub(str,pos_b,pos) for i=1, reps do turtlemove.doString(cmdstr) end else error("Unimplemented character "..string.sub(str,pos,pos).." at position "..pos) end else error("Unexpected character "..string.sub(str,pos,pos).." at position "..pos) end end end